Please read important information below before registering:
1. This is a free event. Seed sowing can be planted with Commission Ministry. Please note: Intimacy Conference
2. Hotel accommodation is NOT required for the conference, BUT highly recommended. The goal is to have away time with Holy Spirit and limit distractions through excessive traveling.
3. Due to intimate setting, childcare services will NOT be available. We request children requiring substantial supervision have appropriate accommodations scheduled so the guardians can have focused time.
4. Follow up emails will be sent to prepare spiritually for conference. We will request use of paperback bibles and non-electronic resources to limit distractions.
5. Food will be at your expense.
6. For potential hotel guest: Attendees can call in directly to the hotel to make their reservations by dialing 410-465-1500 or 1-888-833-8873. Or you can make reservation online at and use group code 28D0QQ.
7. To ensure room availability and quoted rates, attendees must identify themselves with the Commission Ministry to receive the group guest room rate. Current guest room rate is $133/night. Hotel reservations are at your own expense.
This will be a limited, intimate event so PLEASE REGISTER TODAY!
1. This is a free event. Seed sowing can be planted with Commission Ministry. Please note: Intimacy Conference
2. Hotel accommodation is NOT required for the conference, BUT highly recommended. The goal is to have away time with Holy Spirit and limit distractions through excessive traveling.
3. Due to intimate setting, childcare services will NOT be available. We request children requiring substantial supervision have appropriate accommodations scheduled so the guardians can have focused time.
4. Follow up emails will be sent to prepare spiritually for conference. We will request use of paperback bibles and non-electronic resources to limit distractions.
5. Food will be at your expense.
6. For potential hotel guest: Attendees can call in directly to the hotel to make their reservations by dialing 410-465-1500 or 1-888-833-8873. Or you can make reservation online at and use group code 28D0QQ.
7. To ensure room availability and quoted rates, attendees must identify themselves with the Commission Ministry to receive the group guest room rate. Current guest room rate is $133/night. Hotel reservations are at your own expense.
This will be a limited, intimate event so PLEASE REGISTER TODAY!